TTP #13- Bassist Pete Shand: Purveyor of Heavy Low Frequency in a Groovy Style

New Tourganic Podcast episode!

This episode's guest is bassist Pete Shand from the New Mastersounds. Pete is a road warrior and has been through the hard partying cycle of touring and now is striving to create a more sustainable way of life on the road through a plant-based diet and daily stretching routines. Physical issues with his back also forced Pete to take a hard look at touring lifestyle and search for answers on how to continue to keep bringing his talents to the world.

In this conversation:

  • His daughters influence on going vegetarian and finding a healthy way to maintain on the road

  • Making the most of your time offstage while on tour to improve your show performance 

  • The importance of stretching for his back problems and physical issues

  • Daily plantbased protein shake w flax/chia seeds coconut water and garden of life greens

  • Avoiding burnout over years on the road

  • Getting back to show ready before tours

  • Discipline of being in the military and transferring those skills after discharge

  • Perspective gained from traveling

  • Link of simplicity and vegetarian diet

  • Preparation for gigs and constantly feeling like you have to work harder than the next guy 

  • The role of the bass player

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The Tourganic Podcast: Episode #2- Bass Player Jordan Scannella's Path to Healthy Living

Bass player Jordan Scannella is a force to be reckoned with. Jordan constantly tours internationally with the group Tortured Soul and manages to do this while living a plant-based lifestyle focused on health and maintaining wellness. Years ago, Jordan had a crazy experience of a 3 month prison stint in Japan for a minor offense and during that time he wrote all the lyrics for his first solo album, which grew to him fronting his own hiphop/funk band- Jorscan. In this conversation:

  • Jordan's path and why/how he went plant-based and how that decision has affected his overall wellbeing and ability to thrive on the road. 
  • How a juice fast propelled Jordan into a higher state of awareness of diet and how that transcended into his musicality and all aspects of his life.
  • Jordan's run in with the law and incarceration for possession of a tiny amount of pot in Japan. How he took something that could have shook his psyche and derailed his career and turned it into a truly positive force in his life that continues to affect him daily. 

Beyond being a extremely gifted bass player and overall musician, Jordan is great human being with much wisdom to offer to the world. His path is an inspiration and I hope you enjoy the second episode of the Tourganic podcast. 

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