TTP #9- Drummer and Animal Rights Activist Tom Garrington on the Power of Questioning the Status Quo as a Musician and Vegan Advocate

Tom Garrington is not only a great drummer but also a committed vegan, animal rights activist and outspoken advocate for the plant-based movement. In this conversation:

  • The "Best Speech You'll Ever Hear" and the moment where Tom's life changed direction and he became a strict vegan
  • How Tom has been able to positively affect so many others and help them make the transition to a vegan diet
  • The concept of voting with your dollar and the power we possess as consumers
  • Developing the skills to face adversary and see difficult moments as oppurtunities for growth
  • Specific documentaries, Vlogs, websites, activists and books that have been influential in Tom's path to veganism
  • How important keeping an open mind has been in Tom's success as a musician and in his learning about the impacts of veganism 

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