New Podcast Episode feat. Kalmia Traver

This episode's guest is Kalmia Traver- singer, saxophone player, songwriter, band leader and completely inspiring individual Kalmia Traver from the bands Rubblebucket and Kalbells. We cover a lot of territory in this episode from her transformation as a sax player in the horn section to front woman of an successful touring band. Her battle with cancer and the amazing story of touring while undergoing treatment and what helped her get through that time to her current state of living cancer free. We talk about how that experience affected her diet and the discipline to maintain that level of nutrition on the road. We also get into how mindfulness and meditation was a crucial factor in her survival and ability to thrive in the face of adversity. Kalmia's story is an inspiration to all of us who face tough challenges in our lives and how to look those straight in the face and beat them back. Her ability to thrive in the toughest of moments is incredible.

In this conversation:

  • Transformation from section sax player to frontwoman

  • ‘Cancer Tour’- How that reality shaped her growth as a performer and transcended to a mindfulness practice

  • Inspiration sources- Tara Brock Podcast, Power of Now- Eckhart Tolle, Kelly Brogan- Melding eastern and Western healing techniques

  • Touring with Cancer and the affect on diet and nutrition. Whole foods, organic, No sugar, No meat, minimal grains/seeds must be sprouted, sour dough bread, goat milk but no dairy, greens and veggies, lots of fats, fermented foods

  • Salad Backpack!! And touring with a Nutribullet

  • Playing shows and performing while fighting cancer causes a shift in perspective and elevated the connection with fans

  • Sowing the seeds of self love and working to eliminate insecurities

  • "The best career is the one that combines your greatest strengths with fulfilling what the world needs the most"

  • Breaking through exhaustion and physical ’barriers’ on tour

  • Rising above our perceived capabilities

  • The healing process of creativity and Kalmia's goal of not only healing herself but others through music

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    Tourganic Podcast Theme song 'The Path' written by David Bailis and this episode's musical interludes by Kalbells

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TTP #4- Saxophonist Johnny 'Bones" from The California Honeydrops- Drops Some Knowledge About his Vegan Diet, Life on the Road and Staying "Aligned" with Mind, Body and Spirit on Tour

My guest this week is saxophone player Johnny 'Bones'. Johnny has been touring with The California Honeydrops for close to decade and he displays some serious skills on the sax. His solos are memorable to anyone attending a Honeydrops show. Johnny's approach to touring, his diet and his focus on health of mind, body and soul are an inspiration.

In this conversation:

  • Johnny's path and why/how he went plant-based and how that decision has affected his ability to thrive on the road, overall wellbeing and happiness. 
  • Thee crucial role that meditation, mindfulness and yoga have played in his life.
  • When Johnny began to feel that classic 'run down' feeling after years on the road and how living a plant-based diet helped to turn that around.
  • Connections between musicians and athletes as performance based mindsets where you must be at your highest level night after night and the discipline that it takes to maintain that consistency
  • Books, Documentaries and other sources that have significantly changed Johnny's life and provided inspiration along the way

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I'm so excited to release the first episode of the Tourganic podcast today. This is project that I have put considerable work into and I am glad to say it is on off and running!

In the podcast I speak with touring musicians about how they live a healthy lifestyle on the road. While many of the conversations are about how and why my guests live a plant based, vegan diet on the road, the content of these conversations will have a diverse and holistic approach to focus on health of mind, body and spirit. My goal is that this podcast will give you a window in to their life and offer you some insight that will inspire you. Please check it out and if you like it subscribe and comment on iTunes. Please click on the link to access the podcast on iTunes!



Dub Trio-

Diet for a new America-

Bulletproof Coffee


Forks Over Knives-


The Cove-
